This time of the year Google brings us its annual overview of key search trends, which serves as a reminder of everything that happened in 2021, recapping the top search trends of 2021 in Romania too. This year, the Google Trends Searches, or almost all of it, were influenced by the changes the pandemic brought.
The listing reveals what Romanians searched for on Google in 2021 the most throughout the year across pandemic: sports, news, and, of course, entertainment.
What Romanians Searched for on Google in 2021
The listing reveals what Romanians searched for on Google in 2021 the most throughout the year across pandemic: sports, news, and, of course, entertainment.
Let’s take a look at the results below.
Popular searches:
- Euro 2020
- Green Pass Certificate
- Vaccination lottery
- Petrică Mâțu Stoian
- iPhone 13
It is not a surprise that Euro 2020 was in the popular searches among Romanians. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tournament was postponed in the summer of 2021, keeping the same name, UEFA Euro 2020 and all of the sports fans were looking for it. With the imposition of restrictions in Romania, the green pass certificate was required for entering into closed public spaces – it was a necessary tool for Romanians to carry out their activities almost as before the pandemic. Those who were vaccinated participated also in the vaccination lottery to win cash prizes offered by Romanian authorities. Petrică Mâțu Stoian, one of the most appreciated Romanian singers of folk music who died on November 6, occupies fourth place in Romanian searches. Last but not the least, the launch of the new iPhone 13 was long-awaited by the Romanians who wanted to buy it.
- When school starts
- When is Black Friday 2021
- When the school year ends in 2021
- When schools reopen
- When the time changes 2021
The pandemic and all the changes in the timetable of scholars made by Romanian authorities bring in the search trend questions as “When school starts”, “When schools reopen”. In addition, Romanians were also interested in the Black Friday period and the period of transition to the wintertime.
- Alexandra Dinu
- Emma Răducanu
- Christian Eriksen
- David Popovici
- Ana Maria Prodan
Adrian Mutu brought his ex-wife in the first search of google people when he stated openly about their relationship after 18 years of divorce. Emma Răducanu occupies the second position, as she became the Grand Slam winner. It looks like Romanians are passionate about sports players, and cancan things; that’s why Ana Maria Prodan is on fifth place searches.
TV Shows
- Chefi la cuțite
- Survivor
- Asia Express
- The bachelor
- Married at First Sight
TV Shows top searches are about the Romanian cooking show Chefi la cuțite, reality games such as Survivor and Asia Express, and dating game show – The Bachelor.
- „Să fac spume dacă știu”
- Pickled cabbage
- Banana bread
- Quince jam
- Lasagna
As Romanians spent more time in houses, they had more time for cooking or trying new recipes. So, in the first search appears a made-up pudding named by a lady who was filmed by her Tik-Tok creator son while eating it. Everything can go viral in a second, right? The rest of the recipes are the product of people’s hard work during the fall season and preparation for wintertime and holiday season – pickled cabbage for Romanian cabbage rolls, quince jam…
For further information about Romanian Year in Search 2021, explore the official trend link.
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