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September 9, 2024
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Romanian News Sports

Romania Football Federation Signs Sponsorship Deal with Banana Importer Citronex

As the picture shows, the Romanian Football Federation (FRF) officials struck a pose with a giant banana in front of them, and the Romanian Football fans went nuts on social media. The reason? Some imply the officials present the results of the national teams during the last decades. Are they right? Is this one of the best unintentional memes of the year?

To say this bluntly, the fact that Romania’s National Team has had zero performance lately seems more than legitimate to adopt a banana as a symbol for all this.

Romania hasn’t participated in a World Cup final tournament since 1998 in France. Many of our readers weren’t even born at that time. Also, Romania’s last appearance in the final tournament of the European Championship was in 2016, also in France.

So, with all due respect for Yellow and their intention of helping the Romanian Football Federation get back on the performance track, the mediocre performance of the Football Federation in Romania made this association look more like a meme, not like a serious partnership.

This article is not about the intention or the quality of the Yellow bananas, which are absolutely some of the best in Europe. Nor about the Polish Group Citronex, one of the most reputable in Central and Eastern Europe. It is only about one of the best unintentional memes in Romania this year.

Football is a social phenomenon, and the underperformance of club or national teams cannot be overlooked. This is why fans mock this sort of association when something of this kind appears in the news.

The Yellow brand guarantees the best premium bananas on the market, and we are confident that football fans know the benefits of such a healthy fruit. We can now say that bananas make their valuable contribution to the lives of healthy, happy and prosperous people – these are our thoughts and wishes to the national football teams of Romania!

Rafal Zarzecki, the president of the Polish group Citronex

What else can be said on the subject? Eat many bananas, boys, and score many goals during the current qualification rounds!

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