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October 22, 2024
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Romanians’ Trust in EU Collapses – Where Europe Fails

The Romanians’ trust in the European Union collapses. This is what the latest Eurobarometer says about the trust the Romanian people lost, especially during the last two years in the EU and the European institutions.

Namely, almost 10% of trust was lost during the last two years. Only 46% of Romanians see EU membership as positive, compared to 55% in 2020. It’s quite a drop while thinking Romania has dropped way below the EU average here, which is 62% now, increasing from 59% in 2020.

Romanians' trust in the EU membership - EUROBAROMETER

Not only that, but also the percentage of people who still think the EU membership benefits them dropped from 72% in 2020, which was and still is the European average, to 62% now. It’s a 6% drop over just two years.

How many Romanians still think the EU membership is beneficial to them

Regarding why Romanians appreciate the EU membership, 39% responded they do it for the working opportunities. Millions of Romanians work abroad, and this is why. On the other hand, the study shows Romania is way below the EU average for appreciating the economic contribution of the EU to developing the country or for appreciating the EU contribution to bringing peace and security to Romania. No wonder they think this way, as the EU fails to consolidate the peace in the region. With the so-called “special operation” undergoing in their proximity, the Romanian people don’t see much of a contribution from the EU, but only from NATO.

Main reasons for benefiting from the EU membership in Romania

Why did this happen, and how did Romanians lose trust in their leaders and the EU?

The pandemic might have played a crucial role here, but we have to say that the Romanian politicians undoubtedly played their part. To the Romanian people, the politicians only seemed like a bunch of Yes Men following the EU orders to the letter. We showed, during the pandemic, that Romania imposed one of the most dictatorial regimes to enforce quarantine rules over its citizens. At one point, the Government sent armed military vehicles and men armed with heavy machine guns to the streets to send a simple but clear message – we dictate the rules now!

Also, when spending billions and buying tens of millions of vaccine shots, only to throw them away now after expiration, Romania showed unlimited obedience to Bruxelles. Does anybody still wonder why the country is losing confidence in European values?

According to opinion polls conducted in 2020-2021, things were so bad in the country and the regime so harsh that two-thirds of Romanians thought world elites imposed the pandemic to control the population. But the almighty Romanian politicians didn’t seem to be bothered. They continued the drastic curfews and quarantine, let alone the compulsory vaccination, which split the society into two – the chosen and the rejected. The rejected seem to win now.

Also, the recent developments at the European level made more Romanians reject European values. While keeping Romania out of Schengen, European politicians should consider that the country could retaliate. Boycotts against Western companies are underway in Romania. Instead of understanding the people and trying and fulfil their rightful demands, politicians in Bruxelles blame the Russian rhetoric whenever they spot opposition to the European institutions.

Now, the Romanian Government and the country’s elites reap what they sow: the lack of trust of Romanians in the European institutions is only the consequence of how the politicians in Bruxelles and Bucharest treated the population. Suppose anyone in Bruxelles would like to change the current trend and the widening gap between the Romanians and the EU. In that case, they should try and understand that it’s not Russia to be blamed but their own decisions and behaviour.

Last year, 25% of Romanians wanted their country to leave the European Union. Is anybody still awake in Bruxelles?

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