In a pivotal shift in military policy, with only two months remaining of the failing Biden administration until Donald Trump takes full power, the United...
The Romanian authorities do not allow the participation of the delegations of Russia and Belarus in the annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which...
Russian spies entered Romania disguised as Ukrainian refugees. This is one of the conclusions mentioned in the National Security Report 2023 by the Supreme Council...
Switzerland confirmed it will host a two-day high-level conference in mid-June to achieve peace in Ukraine. The conference will be organized at the luxury hotel...
The wife of Russian Ambassador to Bucharest, Valeri Kuzmin, tragically passed away following a cardio-respiratory arrest. She experienced severe respiratory distress before the arrival of...
A massive DDOS attack affected several banks in Romania on Friday, March 15. As bank representatives announced, the attack was initiated by the hacker group...
On Thursday, March 14, the European Parliament asked the Russian Federation to fully return to Romania the national treasure sent to Russia in 1916 and...