On October 21, 2024, the esteemed physicist Michio Kaku will debut in Romania with a highly anticipated event titled “The Future of Humanity.” This event will occur at the Palace Hall in...
Bucharest is set to become a vibrant epicentre of fashion as it hosts the Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week 2024 from October 15 to 18. This prestigious event marks...
On October 8, 2024, FC Barcelona’s president, Joan Laporta, inaugurated the Barça Academy Bucharest, marking a significant milestone as it is the first academy in Romania. The...
Bucharest is enhancing its public transportation system to serve international tourists better and make it easier for visitors to navigate the city. The improvements aim...
iMapp Bucharest, an event that unites art, technology, and community in the heart of Romania’s capital, is back for another exciting edition this year, Visit...
A security incident unfolded at Romania’s Palace of Parliament in Bucharest on September 17, 2024, when a man ignited a fire in the visitors’ access...
Bucharest, the vibrant capital of Romania, has rapidly become a beacon of technological advancement worldwide, particularly in terms of internet connectivity. Known for its historical...
Renowned British comedian Jimmy Carr is set to bring his latest stand-up tour, “Laughs Funny,” to Bucharest in early 2025. Fans of Carr’s dark, biting...
Nicki Minaj disappoints again. This time, her Romanian fans were waiting for her to perform at the SAGA Festival in Bucharest. This comes after disappointing...