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February 18, 2025
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International News International Politics Politics Romanian News Tech

The US Brings SMR – Small Modular Reactors Technology to Romania

The United States and Romania announced plans to build a “first-of-a-kind” small modular reactor (SMR) plant in Romania. The plant is going to be created and implemented in partnership with U.S. NuScale Power.

The announcement was made on the White House’s website, and it brings the latest technology to Romania and Eastern Europe.

The partnership will bring SMR technology to Romania, positioning U.S. technology to lead in the global race for SMR deployment.  The commercial agreement will include a six-module NuScale plant, initially creating over 3,700 U.S. and Romanian jobs, including possible union jobs, with the potential to create 30,000 U.S. and Romanian jobs as the project grows. 

White House Press Release

The announcement came in the context of the UN Climate Change Conference – COP 26. The same American company already signed memorandums of understanding to deploy SMR technology to Poland and Ukraine.

Also, In November 2020, Romania and the United States signed an 8 billion USD investment deal to recondition one of the two reactors in Cernavoda.

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