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February 14, 2025
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Economy Romanian News

Romania’s BET Index – on 3rd place in the world in 2019

BET Index, the index of Bucharest Stock Exchange, is on the 3rd place in the world this year, in 2019. The announcement was made by Bloomberg, the reputable economic publication , who pointed out that “last year’s pariah turns into one of 2019’s best stock markets” when referring to BET index.

Bloomberg's index rankings 2019
Photo source: Bloomberg

How did that happen? It is quite simple, actually.

Romania had a drastic drop last year in Bloomberg’s top index rankings, as the “greed tax” imposed by the former government influenced BET index pushing it downwards. A year later the trust of the foreign and local investors and companies in Romania’s economy got back on track and BET index grew with 34%.

This gain made BET the third index in the world, after ASE index of Greece and RTS of Russia.

Also, the authors say, BET Index has its chances to get the MSCI upgrade, as Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange declared for Bloomberg:

Several state-owned companies could go public, and we encourage the government to use the stock exchange to its full potential. The listing of Hidroelectrica could be decisive for the MSCI upgrade and it will generate a domino effect for the liquidity of other important companies ,” said Adrian Tanase for Bloomberg journalists.

Anyway, it seems 2020 won’t be the year for this upgrade, but still, BET index has made it to the top in 2019 and this offers additional confidence to investors.

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