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October 22, 2024
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Economy Politics Romanian News

MEP: Romania Has Zero Absorption Rate from 2021-2027 Framework

If one wants to understand how the Romanian state functions, one should look at the way the state accesses and spends the available European funds. Available for all the European countries, especially to those under development, the European funds could’ve poured into the economy.

Instead, Romania seems to have no interest in accessing the billions available, and all its focus is the Recovery and Resilience Plan, but Romania has major hiccups even there.

According to MEP Corina Cretu, Romania hasn’t used European funds from the 2021-2027 framework, which says everything about the viability of the public system in the country.

What is sad is that we have EUR 80 billion in front of us, and EUR 210 million have been spent. 2021-2027 has not opened. No one is talking about it anymore. We are in 2023. And when I was a European Commissioner (2014-2019), journalists chased me daily about the absorption rate. Now nobody says that 2021-2027 is zero absorption. They didn’t start. I understood from the Commission that there are some suspicions related to the Management Authorities, which is why the payments have not started. Conflicts of interest… I don’t know, these things must be clarified, and I think the Government must clarify.

MEP Corina Cretu on the absorption rate in 2021-2027 framework

The real problem in Romania is also implied in Corina’s speech. She reminds us that journalists used to do their jobs years ago. After the pandemic, when the Romanian Government bribed the press with so-called “aid” and eliminated all criticism, no publisher that enjoyed the Governmental money criticized the current ruling parties. Let’s not forget that the ruling coalition is formed by the Socialists and the Liberals, meaning few newspapers are left to criticize and support the Opposition.

What media outlets or journalists are interested in publishing the failures of the Government as long as they serve and are being financed by the parties that form the ruling coalition? Who dares to ask the Prime Minister about the absorption rate?

Romania is a state where two former political enemies, the Socialists and the Liberals, walk hand in hand and enjoy these incredible days with no real Opposition. It is almost like during the communist regime, when the media praised the ruling couple from morning till night, and odes were created to thank their genius in ruling Romania.

If any power in Romania needs awakening, this is the press. The recent report on the state of the Romanian press shows regression regarding freedom of the press and journalism.

Anybody wonders in Brussels why the Nationalist Party AUR is growing steadily in opinion polls? Here you have the explanation.

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