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International News

Romania Promoted as Travel Destination on BBC

Romania will be promoted as a tourist destination on the BBC television channel between October 15 and November 15. The campaign is made in collaboration with producer and filmmaker Charlie Ottley, one of the best friends Romania has ever had.

Charlie Ottley is not at his first campaign to promote Romania. Established in Romania and famous for documentaries like “Wild Carpathia,” “Flavors of Romania,” and “Wild Danube,” the British director also promoted Brasov on BBC in August 2020.

This time, the promotion campaign aims to increase Romania’s visibility and notoriety as a tourist destination in Europe, focusing on Great Britain. It is thus aimed at increasing the number of tourists, both British and from the whole of Europe, as well as from the countries where the British BBC television channel is broadcast.

Eight presentation clips were made:

  • Four 1-minute videos that capture Romania in all its splendour in every season, from the frozen landscapes of winter to the vivid colours of spring,
  • Four other videos, 30 seconds each, highlighting four forms of tourism specific to Romania: cultural, ecotourism, city break and nature, with the role of a diverse emphasis on the tourist offer of our countries.

The videos will be broadcast on BBC broadcasts throughout the day for a month, starting on 15 October. Romania will benefit from 80 airings, respectively 30 airings of 1-minute and 50 airings of 30-second spots. Also, the eight materials, as well as the bonus video made by Charlie Ottley, will be used to promote Romania at the international tourism fair WTM London, which will take place between 06-08 November 2023, as well as during other participation in events, exhibitions and marketing actions.

This is another attempt by Romania’s authorities to promote the country as a travel destination after this summer when they clumsily tried to promote Romania in France by placing advertisements on buses in Paris. This time, though, having Charlie Ottley’s experience and creativity by its side, Romania could succeed in creating the necessary awareness and make British tourists consider Romania as their next travel destination.

The project cost EUR 150,000, of which 100,000 is for airing the ads on BBC.

1 comment

John Berwick October 15, 2023 at 7:32 am

Before wasting taxpayers’ money on an expensive marketing campaign, Romanian needs to improve its TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE: build decent roads, improve its rail service, raise the standard of hotels and restaurants.


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