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October 22, 2024
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Romanian MEP Proposes ‘Little Schengen Area’: Romania, Bulgaria, Greece

Romanian MEP Eugen Tomac proposes what could become the “Little Schengen Area.” In short, he says that Romania, Bulgaria and Greece should abolish borders between their states.

I think that immediately after the decision of the JAI Council last year, the unfair decision by which we were denied entry because of Austria and the Netherlands, the first person who came up with this scenario was my colleague MEP Marian-Jea Marinescu, who said that the two governments can very quickly notify the European Commission and abolish the borders between our states. I think it’s a fair measure that we have to apply immediately. I would go much further, proposing that Romania, Bulgaria and Greece abolish the borders between them because no one can limit this right; the Commission only needs to be notified. I believe this approach, which my colleagues from Bulgaria also support, must be implemented immediately.

Romanian MEP Eugen Tomac proposing Little Schengen Area

The rage against the Austrian companies continued in Romania after the Western state opposed Romania and Bulgaria’s admission to Schengen. Yet, citizens cannot do anything, but politicians can. Still, the current Government doesn’t seem to do a thing, apart from joint conferences with their Austrian counterparts, during which the Western diplomats mock Romanians and tell them that their country will stay much longer knock-knock-knocking at Schengen’s door.

It is clear that we are experiencing an abuse of power by the government in Vienna. in the EU, 25 governments say that Romania and Bulgaria deserve to be in Schengen; they meet the criteria, and the European Commission is the one that validates whether you meet the criteria or not and the Commission it also supports us in the process we opened at the CJEU. The commission supports this approach through an official note sent to the court, so from this point of view, I think it is essential to overcome this state of helplessness and act within the limits we can operate. This means abolishing the border with Bulgaria, and I would go much further, including Greece, because Romanians drive a lot on this route.

Romanian MEP Eugen Tomac

Romania and Bulgaria could abolish their state borders, but to include Greece in the equation is something else. Even so, the idea could show the European Union that the Eastern European countries, such as Poland or Hungary, do not tolerate this mockery from the bureaucrats in Brussels.

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