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October 18, 2024
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Romanian News Social

Romanian Constitutional Court: Sexual Education in Schools Allowed Only with Parents’ Consent

Parents’ consent will become mandatory for teaching children sexual education in schools. The decision was taken by the Romanian Constitutional Court.

The decision was taken just days before an important anniversary: each year, on September 26, the World Contraception Day is celebrated worldwide. This is meant to raise the public attention towards the increasing number of unwanted pregnancies.

Especially in Romania, unwanted pregnancies lead to a high number of abortions. According to statistics, in Romania 400 abortions are performed daily.

On top of that, Romania is the top European country when it comes to teenage motherhood. Almost a quarter of the European teenage mothers are Romanian, according to a study of Save the Children Romania. Precisely, 23% of the underaged mothers come from Romania, a country where sexual education is not performed in schools.

The Romanian Constitutional Court’s decision comes in a context when everybody knows this phenomenon has to be stopped somehow, but nobody seems to take the decisive action. Sexual education is a taboo subject in a country where churches are being built in thousands, while hospitals are rarely remembered of when it comes to public investments.

Besides, even if the parents do offer their consent, children will take part at “sanitary education” lessons, the word “sexual education” being avoided by the law makers.

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