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July 27, 2024
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International News Politics Romanian News

Russia Closes Romanian Consulate in Rostov on Don

Russia decided to close the Romanian consulate in Rostov on Don. Romania still has the Embassy in Moscow and the remaining Consulate in Sankt Petersburg.

By Article 37 of the Federal Law on International Treaties of the Russian Federation, the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the denunciation of the agreement between the Russian and Romanian governments regarding the opening of the Consulate General of Romania in Rostov-on-Don, dated September 22, 2005, concluded in the form of an exchange of notes.

Russia’s communicate on the decision of closing the Romanian Consulate in Rostov on Don

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs replied they acknowledged Russia’s decision.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs took note of the publication of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the denunciation of the bilateral Agreement concluded in 2005 regarding the opening of the Consulate General of Romania in Rostov-on-Don. The Romanian side has not yet been officially notified of this decision.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Russia’s decision of closing the Romanian consulate in Rostov on Don

The relations between Romania and Russia hit a new low record after this decision. Earlier this year, Romania expelled 40 Russian diplomats and technical staff in July, and the Russians said that the decision would get a diplomatic reply.

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