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The ABC of Romanian Men

When you think of Romania, two things come to mind: Dracula and beautiful women, but has anyone thought about Romanian men? There are many myths and stereotypes related to Romanian men.

In the following lines, we will present who are, in fact, Romanian men. Most of the time they do not have a good reputation among foreign women. And that is due to the exaggerations of certain people, and until now, no one did them the necessary justice.

What do Romanian men look like?

Man in suit in the dressing room

The appearance of Romanian men depends a lot on the roots, and here we have a diversity of styles that all are pleasing to the eye. From the Mediterranean and Oriental types, with brown hair and brown eyes, sometimes with a beard, to the Slavic heritage: blond hair and blue eyes. If you decide to visit Romania, consider men on the list to be admired.

Although they are not the tallest – the average height is 1.75 meters – they compensate with the body muscles; Romanian men are more and more preoccupied with the manner they look. This is why they practice sports and also put on clothes to make them look as fit as possible. They would spend some time in the gym to tone up and even more time in the men’s salons or shopping.

Romanian men do not pay much attention to extravagant clothes, most often you meet men wearing a simple T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and sports shoes unless you catch them on the way to work where it is possible to wear a suit, either a simple button-up shirt. Still, they pay attention to look attractive or fit.

They are aware of how they look, sometimes too confident about it, but it never hurts to hear it from another person. So if you want to make their day better, give them a compliment about their clothes, hair or body.

What is the personality of Romanian men?

Personality test for Romanian men

As in appearances, the personality of Romanian men falls into two categories, which, of course, are not mandatory for every man but may resemble some extent with these characters. These are just a few types you may encounter, and not all Romanian men fall into these two extremes.

The old-fashioned personality

The first is the old-fashioned type of man, the one who emphasizes the first impression, buys you flowers, opens the door for you at the restaurant, and pays the bill. There is nothing wrong with that, but in addition to these gallant things comes the other part. Sometimes, this sort of man who pampers you expects you to offer him something in return, meaning that some of them are doing that only for their personal benefit. This sort of man grew up in a traditional way where each member of the family had a well-defined role this man will try to imprint this on his future family as well. These men have a dominant character in the relationship and feel the need to have control, so they usually look for housewives or stay-at-home moms. Those who have to take care of the family and the house while he is the man of the house financially support the family and takes decisions.

The 21st century personality

On the other hand, there is the man of the 21st-century type, the one nurtured by modern standards. He agrees for you to have your independence, to share the bill, or to approve the fact that you don’t want children. But the very same modern guy may support you in your career up to a point where you surpass him in status. Sometimes a Romanian man’s ego is too fragile to live with a woman who earns more than he does or has a higher social position.

A very appreciated thing is the well-developed sense of humor. Romanian men have the power to joke about anything and with everyone, making it easier to start a conversation or lighten the mood. Often makes them look like immature teenagers even though they are in their twenties, but when it comes to relationships they take every aspect seriously. Nevertheless, they are faithful if you are dedicated to that relationship.

Also, regardless of age, Romanian men are quite attached to their mothers, and it will take some time until they let her out of your relationship. You should not be surprised if his mother knows details of your private life or you often hear comparisons with her like: “You don’t cook as your mother does.”.

Another positive thing is the emphasis on education. Although there are still men who live with their parents and do not want to evolve, at the moment, most of them invest in themselves and are not satisfied with the minimum wage. A fashionable wave among men is the area of IT, engineering, and cryptocurrencies.

How to impress a Romanian man?

Cabbage rolls - the favourite food for Romanian men

If you are a foreigner, one of the important things is to learn about Romanian culture and to have a cultural experiences exchange. This gesture will be appreciated, whether it is a few words in Romanian or fun facts, intention, and desire matter here. Conversations about Romania and your country of origin can be an interesting topic to bring to a date.

Cook for them! “The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach” this saying is not in vain, especially in Romania. If you decide to cook for them, prepare a dish that includes meat. Romanian men, like most of the male population in the world, love meat! If you are vegan/vegetarian, maybe living with a Romanian man will not be the best choice for your diet.

How to date a Romanian man?

Romanian man dating a blonde hair girl

Most Romanian men have a dominant personality in the relationship, and if they want you, they will do anything to achieve this. They are not the kind of men who wait, will take the first step, even the second, but not in a harassing way. Instead, if you want to take the first step, it will be a gesture appreciated by men.

Descendants of the Dacians and Romans, Romanian men are good craftsmen who can repair and change anything in the house; from the washing machine’s filter to the electrical installation, but cooking an egg is sometimes pure science for them. If he invites you to his house to eat, get ready for takeaway food, not a romantic home-cooked dinner.

If you are going to meet a Romanian guy’s family, make the best impression! Do not underestimate the power of the family in the life of a Romanian man, as his family’s opinion is important to him. If his relatives like you, you are closer to winning his heart. The same thing can happen with a group of friends.

Usually, Romanian men are family-oriented, looking for long-term relationships, and see each girlfriend as a potential wife, and if they do not want this, be sure that they will tell you the conditions blunt in the face.

Famous Romanian men

Romanian man with glasses

Maybe you have heard of them, but you don’t automatically think about Romania when you see their name. Take a look at our list and uncover some of the most acclaimed Romanian men in the world.

You saw him in Marvel Universe movies as Bucky Barnes or maybe in Gossip Girl as Carter Baizen. The actor playing all those roles is Sebastian Stan, born in Constanta. The actor left Romania and moved to New York when he was 12.

If you are a fan of sports, maybe you`ve heard of Lucian Bute – Romania’s former IBF super-middleweight champion, or Ilie Năstase – Romanian former world No1 professional tennis player and one of the world’s top players of the 1970s.

In conclusion, we want to say that each person is different and Romanian men, like other nationalities, are a mosaic of how they were raised and educated, the influences brought into their lives by family, religion, and friends. These characteristics can be found in a majority of Romanian men in a lower or higher percentage.

For Romanian men or not, you should visit Romania, a country with beautiful landscapes and stories waiting to be discovered by you.

Also, take a look at our Romanian women article and find out more about Romanian people.

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