A year ago, a Romanian couple was arrested in Denmark. The authorities accused them both of mistreating their newly-born baby. Namely, the baby had what doctors called “shaken baby syndrome”
At that moment, the Romanian parents went to the local hospital with their one-month-old infant feeling ill. Doctors identified internal brain bleeding, which could be a sign of shaken baby syndrome. In Denmark, this is punished with prison.

Police were alerted and started an investigation to determine the cause of the bleeding. Also, both parents were arrested and detained in separate detention facilities for two months.
One year after that event, the mighty Danish justice dropped all accusations and declared the Romanians were not guilty of any crime.

Cases of abuses against Romanian families were presented in the international media. Barnevernet practically kidnapped children of only a couple of months from their parents on the grounds of ‘mistreatment’. Nothing could be proved, and in most cases, the institution returned the kids to the families, as in the Bodnariu case.
Denmark is no further from this, but it’s even worse. In 2019, the Danish Prime Minister officially apologized for all the abuses in the state-run homes for children. These abuses included forced labour, slavery, corporal punishments, drugs and sexual abuses, all proven to have happened from 1945 to 1976.
Who will pay for this terrible mistake of the Danish justice? How can you pay for the time spent in prison without any guilt? How will the baby psychologically recover after he was separated from his parents, raised by his biological grandparents and now raised again by his parents?
No answer so far from the Danish embassy to Romania, an institution which is at any given moment eager to teach democracy lessons to the Romanian people but which is now silenced.