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January 18, 2025
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Economy Romanian News Social

Romanian Government Makes Millions from Lockdown Fines

Romanian authorities have issued 200,000 fines in under a month to people for not complying with the military ordinances during COVID-19 emergency situation.

Anyone caught breaking restrictions faces fines of between 2,000 and 20,000 lei, in a country where the average monthly salary is around 3,000. The fines handed out between 24 March and 19 April amount to £69m (€78m), said to equal Romania’s February 2020 corporate tax take.

Also, other European countries have imposed a large number of fines. France and Spain issued around 800,000 and 500,000 fines respectively to those breaking lockdown rules over a similar period. The UK, which has a population more than three times the size of Romania’s, has issued around 3,500 fines in a similar period of between £30-£60.

One of Bucharest’s mayors, Robert Negoiță, was fined 10,000 lei after he was caught cycling in a public park. The mayor said that like any citizen he had to obey the law and he was willing to face the consequences.

So far in Romania 527 people have died of Covid-19 and 10,096 people have tested positive.

Sursa foto: Facebook

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