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July 27, 2024
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International News International Politics Politics Press Release Romanian News

Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to all Romanians: Leave Ukraine Immediately!

In the context of the serious deterioration of the security situation in Ukraine and the Black Sea region and the negative developments tonight, when the Russian president Vladimir Putin signed the decree for recognizing the independence of the two separatist regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) informs that the alert level for Ukraine has been raised to the maximum level – “Leave the country immediately!”

According to the new alert level, the MFA urges Romanian citizens not to travel to this country, and those who are temporarily in Ukraine to leave the territory of this state immediately. The MFA also recommends that Romanian citizens be constantly informed by official sources, pay close attention and comply with the regulations established by the Ukrainian authorities.

The MFA, through its diplomatic mission and consular offices in Ukraine, is ready to provide protection and consular assistance to Romanian citizens on the territory of Ukraine.

As mentioned in the alert, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates the request to the Romanian citizens who are in Ukraine to notify the coordinates of their presence in Ukraine through the e-consulat.ro platform or by contacting by phone the nearest consular office:

  • Romanian Embassy in Kiev – +380936252717
  • Consulate General Chernivtsi – +380635669918;
  • Consulate General Odessa – +380955412788;
  • Consulate Solotvino – +380682140918

The MFA also reminds that at the level of the Consular Department of the MFA, a telephone line was activated dedicated to Romanian citizens who are temporarily in Ukraine and who request consular protection and assistance – telephone 0040 -751.084.537.

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