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July 27, 2024
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Business Finance Romanian News

Idea Bank, Part of Banca Transilvania, Becomes Salt Bank

Idea::Bank becomes Salt Bank. The brand aims to convey the message of the first Romanian all-digital bank made in Romania.

Idea::Bank was acquired by the Romanian Transilvania Bank. It is the third bank acquired by BT after Bancpost in 2018 and Volksbank Romania in 2015.

When choosing the name Salt Bank, we were looking for something that would resonate with us, the people here. It is a name that speaks of our ambitions. We have the courage to innovate today to be better tomorrow and we are determined to develop a safe and reliable bank for the long term.

Gabriela Nistor, CEO Salt Bank

Salt Bank will start activity in 2024.

Banca Transilvania is the largest bank in Romania in terms of assets and it was founded in 1993 in Cluj-Napoca.

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