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February 23, 2025
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Romanian News Social

Are You Ready To Start Working Again In June?

The question is not an optimistic, nor a pessimistic one. It is just a question addressed both for the optimists and for the pessimists.

Some of you might consider June is too far away to restart your live, meaning your social and your job-related or your entrepreneurial one. It might be it, but you should certainly consider June as the closest month to think about the restrictions being lifted, and that only gradually. We offered an opinion on when the COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted in Romania. Our conclusion, at that time, is still the same and it is confirmed by the Romanian authorities who talk about the end of May as a potential date for lifting the restrictions gradually. Also, other states, including Great Britain, admitted they couldn’t lift up the measures sooner than June.

So, take June as a landmark. Disregard of what you think, we still ask you: are you ready for start working again in June?

The most important part of the question is that it means you have to resist until then, for two more months, on your own or on the Government’s help. Some of you might lose your jobs meanwhile and some might see their life savings vanished in two months. Some might ask for their families’ help, some might consider asking their friends for help. On the other hands, for them or for the others, it is a time to re-invent yourself, to find new opportunities.

These opportunities can be a new job offer or an entrepreneurial initiative. Also, you could consider moving to the countryside, to grow food organically and to support your families. Nothing to be ashamed of, but on the contrary.

Our advice, no matter what the future has in stall for you, is the following:

  • stay safe! It should be your first priority. Stay home or protect yourself while outside
  • cut your unnecessary expenses! Don’t buy more than you can eat, don’t store food, don’t buy clothes on the internet. Keep your money for worse times.
  • identify old or new sources of income! If you’re an employee, seek job opportunities, if your employer closed his business. If you’re an entrepreneur, re-define yourself if the economic crisis is affecting you. Think about new opportunities. Start being creative about your services.
  • stay fit, physically and mentally, until June. You will need your strength then, no matter what.

Stay safe until June and then start fresh!

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