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July 27, 2024
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International News Romanian News Tech

Romanian Expertise in IT Acknowledged in EU: Bucharest Hosts EU’s Cybersecurity Centre

Romanian expertise is acknowledged in EU: Bucharest was elected to host the EU’s Cybersecurity Centre. This is the first European Agency to be established in Romania and, according to the minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Romania is ready to work hard for the European cybersecurity ecosystem.

Romania was the country of choice for the European Union due to the number of its IT specialists, for the quality of its workforce, but also for the fact that Romania has recently become a cybersecurity supplier for the region. Not to forget mentioning that Romania also hosts Cybercrime Program Office of the Council of Europe and this definitely scored good points for Romania during the country selection procedure.

According to sources, the new agency will create around 50 new jobs and will make Romania an European cybersecurity institutional hub.

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