MoBU 2024, the International Art Fair of Bucharest, welcomes contemporary art lovers from Bucharest and abroad from May 29th to June 2nd, 2024, at Romexpo’s Central Pavilion, Visit Bucharest announces.
According to the organizer’s announcement, this year’s event boasts a complex, multi-functional, 22,000 square meter indoor and outdoor exhibition space. The program includes all activities typical of art fairs, such as cultural accompaniment and mediation, guided tours, collateral events, and collaborations with Romanian and international galleries and esteemed cultural institutions.
MoBU 2024: A Highlight on Diverse Artists
Famous artists from Romania and other countries will encourage art lovers to be passionate about contemporary art.
The second edition of MoBU highlights artists and works from Germany, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine. Additionally, we have invited art faculties from Bucharest, Cluj, Iași, and Timișoara to showcase themselves and the future of contemporary art, resulting in this year’s event’s hybrid nature. Although different from 2023, we still hope to find the right formula to connect the Romanian public with the art market. Since contemporary art invites conceptualization and reflection, I invite you to MoBU to discover art in another dimension.
Demetra Arapu, Director of MoBU
MoBU 2024 exhibitors

Individual artists and art galleries will be present at this year’s MoBU.
This year’s exhibitors are: Iulia Deme (A01), Tehov (A02), MNART GALLERY (A03), Nemțoi Gallery (A04), Kulterra (A05, A06), Obie Platon & Arrmand (A07), Sineva – Important Art (A08), Pilat Gallery (AA), Ikikata Art (B01), Galeria Romană (B02), IOMO Gallery (B03), Scemtovici & Benowitz Gallery (B04), ART&PLASTIC (TBD), Orbit Fine Art (B05), Vault One Gallery (B06) , Francisc Chiuariu (B07), Fantom Galerie & 1-Q Sapro (B08), Eugen Raportoru (B09), Ars Mater Gallery (B10), Ioana Cristodorescu (B11), Artistic Intersections (B12), A. Rădulescu Art Galleries ( B13), ALIAJ (B14), Faculty of Arts and Design – Western University of Timișoara (BB), Mihai Mohaci (C01), HNK Gallery (C02), Miruna Cojanu (C03), Liviu Mihai and Giulian Octav Dumitriu (C04) , Independent Artists Nicola D’Arco and Alexandru Marinete (C05), Galeria 88 (C06), Ileana & Cătălin Oancea (C07), Tudor Stancu (C08), Vasile Ştefănoiu (C09), Claudia Prelipcean (C10), Lucian Tatar (C11 ), Cellula de Arta (C12), Iulian Mîţă (C13), Teletin the Artist (C14), Gheorghe Lisița (C15), Veronica Iftodii (C16), Alina Cozma (C17), Andrei Pennazio (C18), Gabriel Stan (C19 ), Carmen Aurariu (C20), Septimiu Căpățînă and Adelina Simona Ionescu (C21), Bucharest National University of Arts (CC), Cluj-Napoca University of Art and Design, Cluj University (DD), Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, “George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași (EE), Corina Dimitriu (FF), David Podut (GG), Casa Pânzelor de Pictura (HH)
MoBU 2024 Visiting Schedule – Free Entry
MoBU 2024 is open to visitors following this daily schedule between Wednesday, May 29 and Sunday, June 2:
Wednesday, May 29, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
Thursday, May 30, 12:00 – 20:00
Friday, May 31, 12:00 – 20:00
Saturday, June 1, 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m
Sunday, June 2, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m