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March 6, 2025
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International News International Politics

Today Marks the 77th Celebration of the United Nations Day

Every year October 24 marks the United Nations Day, the date the UN Charter was ratified by the majority of the 50 signatory States including France, Great Britain, the United States, China, and the USSR. The UN Day, which has been observed annually since 1948, offers the chance to advance the common agenda and affirm the objectives and tenets of the UN Charter.

The history behind the United Nations Day

The representatives of the 50 countries met on April 25 and 26 in 1945, in California, San Francisco, for the work of the United Nations International Conference to draft the UN Charter. Delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals drawn up by representatives of the United States of America, Great Britain, China and the USSR at Dumbarton Oaks (USA) between August and October 1944.

Two months later, on June 26, 1945, the representatives of the states that attended the meeting signed the UN Charter, which outlines the rights and obligations of Member States as well as the core organizations and processes of the UN. Due to its distinct international nature and its authority, the United Nations can act on a wide range of concerns. As a result, the UN Member States are required to uphold the UN Charter as an instrument of international law.

Objectives and methodology of UN

The UN Charter lists the following goals for the organization: upholding world peace and security; fostering amicable relations between nations based on respect for the idea of peoples’ equal rights and the right to self-determination; achieving international cooperation to address global issues of economic, social, or humanitarian nature; and creating a center for coordinating national efforts in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The UN and its members shall operate in conformity with the following principles in order to accomplish the mentioned goals: the peaceful resolution of international disputes; the sovereign equality of all Member States; the faithful performance of the Charter’s commitments; and avoid using force or threatening to use it against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State, or in any other manner that conflicts with UN goals. Additionally, Nothing in the UN Charter authorizes the Organization to intervene in matters that are essentially the internal jurisdiction of each State, so Member States must support the Organization in any action it takes following the UN Charter and refrain from aiding any State against which the UN takes preventive or coercive action.

The General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat are the six main organizations that make up the UN system. There are also several specialized agencies, funds, and programs for international development.

Achievements and current status

The United Nations, its specialized agencies, affiliated agencies, finances, projects, and staff have been awarded the renowned Nobel Peace Prize 12 times in its 77-year history.

There are now 193 Member States of the United Nations. Romania began the formalities for joining the UN in 1946, and only I n December 14, 1955, it was admitted alongside 15 other States. Currently, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Cornel Feruţă, is Romania’s permanent envoy to the UN.

*Article photo Source: United Nations official site

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