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Year in Google Search Romania – What Romanians Searched for on Google in 2020

Google is the choice when it comes to searches online almost everywhere in the world, except for countries like Russia or China, who developed their own search engines – Baidu and Yandex. The American search engine is so big that it is “responsible” for more than 92% online searches worldwide. Though Google doesn’t publicly share the volume of their searches, experts estimate that Google processes approximately 70,000 search queries every second, meaning 5.8 billion searches per day and 2 trillion searches per year.

This being said, if one wants to see a nation’s concerns or choices, one has just to check out the trends on Google for the respective country. Year after year, Google published the ranking for the queries for each country, a good opportunity for us to see what Romanians looked for online in 2020.

What Romanians Searched for on Google in 2020

What was trending on Google Romania in 2020 and why did Romanians searched for those particular keywords.

Popular searches:

1) Google Classroom
2) Coronavirus România
3) Adservio
4) Elections SUA
5) About you

No surprise here: tens of thousands of parents and school kids accessed Google Classroom on a daily basis, but also wanted to be informed about the coronavirus evolution in Romania. Adservio, the local educational platform, makes it on the third place, but Romanians were also interested about the elections in the USA and about the fashion shopping platform launched this year in Romania as well: About you.

How to…

1) How to wear the mask
2) How to sleep 8 hours in 4 hours
3) How the Coronavirus symptoms can be recognized
4) How to prepare natural yeast
5) How to place the mask on the face

The pandemic related searches also dominate the How to… top. How to wear the mask or Covid-19 symptoms are naturally on top positions. Intriguingly, Romanians were also interested about how to sleep for 8 hours in just 4, but we are sure there is an explanation here as well. Probably, Romanians, especially during lockdown, felt tired and developed insomnia, therefore they looked for a way to rest better.


1) 365 days
2) Miami bici (Romanian parody)
3) Contagion
4) Miracle in Cell No. 7
5) After we collided

Movies top searches are about the romance Polish film 365 days, Romanian girls’ favorite in 2020 (blame it on the lockdown, not else!), but also in the top we notice the presence of Contagion, the 2011 fictional which turns out to be more of an actual footage of 2020 events.


1) iPhone 12
2) iPhone 11
3) iPhone 12 Pro Max
4) Samsung S20
5) iPhone 11 Pro

Surprisingly enough, in a country where 82% of the users have an Android smartphone, the searches for smartphones were dominated by the iPhone. Yet, only 17% of the population uses iOS, which means that the ranking is influenced by the launch of the iPhone 12 and iPhone Pro Max.

More about the Romanian searched on Google in 2020 you can find by accessing the dedicated link.

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