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March 31, 2025
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International News International Politics

Ukrainian Grains Are Contaminated with Pesticides, Lab in Denmark Confirms

Ukrainian grains exported to the EU are contaminated with pesticides. This is the conclusion of the second test of the grain batch seized by Slovakia. A laboratory in the country already confirmed this, but Slovakia’s authorities wanted an objective second opinion from an independent laboratory from another country. The results came from Denmark, as announced by the Slovak minister of Agriculture.

A third sample of Ukrainian grain stored at a mill in Kolarovo has tested positive for a pesticide banned in the EU, interim Agriculture Minister Samuel Vlcan said on Tuesday, cited by TASR. According to the minister, the third sample was tested in Copenhagen and confirmed the presence of a banned pesticide at a concentration of 0.024 milligrams per kilogram.

Vlcan clarified that the latest tests showed the presence of the same pesticide previously found in the grain by tests carried out in Slovakia. However, the minister assured the public that Slovakia had no flour contamination or other food products. The minister noted that the two previous tests showed pesticide concentrations of 0.026 and 0.019 mg/kg, respectively, the first carried out by the State Veterinary and Food Administration and the second by a private laboratory.

One Hungarian publication said what it is forbidden to say in the EU these days: the EU is poisoning its citizens with contaminated grain from Ukraine. While on the Ukrainian side in the conflict with Russia, the EU seems to abandon all its principles and forget about its citizens’ well-being. Also, Romania seems to have abandoned its farmers, who went bankrupt since the cheap and poisoned Ukrainian grain flooded the internal market.

In a previous post, we showed that Romania is the largest importer in the EU of Ukrainian grains. How many of these batches were checked, and how many were stopped from flooding the country with cheap but poisoned grains? Do Romanian authorities have the guts to stop the contaminated batches from being sold on the internal market? All these questions will more than indeed remain unanswered in a country where the mainstream media has been consistently paid by the Government currently in power.

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