Choosing the university you want to graduate from is one of the most important decisions to take, and their overwhelming diversity, both in Romania and abroad, makes the whole decision process harder. UK reamains, even after Brexit, one of the top destinations for the Romanian students, both for those who want to be admitted to a university, and for those who want to follow master studies or to become a PhD in UK. The British universities stay on top of the European universities rankings and they are also well known at the international level. Besides, when one spends time in a multicultural environment, it is quite an enjoying life experience.
British Universities representatives come to Cluj-Napoca on March 7
Many Romanian students choose to study in Great Britain where, after specializing in the fields they desire, lots of opportunities open for them. This sort of opportunities would be harder to find after studying in their country. This is the reason why the British universities come to Cluj-Napoca on March 7, in The Office, where AHZ Associates and organize the open and free entrance event called “UK Education EXPO 2020″. AHZ Associates is an international company, with lots of experience on the Romanian market as well, offering free educational consultancy to all the students who want to study in Great Britain. AHZ Associates team members understand the educational level and the skills of the applicant and offer him a shortlist with the proper universities to apply for. The event on March 7 offer the attendees the opportunity of getting a free information on the admission conditions at British universities. Also, the event will offer those who will attend it all the information needed for getting British scholarships or any other study financing opportunities.
Studying in UK is easier than you think…

Alina Dobra, AHZ Associates Romania: “UK Education EXPO event on March 7 in Cluj-Napoca is an excellent opportunity for all those who want to study in Great Britain. We bring experienced team members to the event, but also representatives from the partner universities. We do all this for offering the Romanian students all the information needed for being admitted to one of the British universities. Those who want to study in UK have to know that the admission conditions differ, from one university to another, but we will present to the future students who will attend the event the best options for studying in UK. The access to the event is free and also it is possible for the attendees to apply for a university directly at the event. Studying in UK is easier than you think“, stated Alina Dobra, AHZ Associates Romania.
UK Education EXPO – an excellent opportunity for Romanian and high school students

UK Education EXPO, organized on March 7 in Cluj-Napoca, in The Office, is free and addresses especially to the high school pupils and final year students who want to study in UK. The event is an excellent opportunity for a free talk with the British universities representatives and with the AHZ Associates team members, who will help them apply for any British university on spot.