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March 5, 2025
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International News Romanian News Social

Romanian Sergiu Celibidache’s Biographical Film ‘The Yellow Tie’ to Feature John Malkovich

Sergiu Celibidache, the famous Romanian music director, is considered to be one of the greatest conductors of the 20th century. His style, mostly influenced by his Buddhist studies, brought him worldwide appreciation wherever music-loving audiences enjoyed the concerts of his philharmonics.

By his death in 1996 Sergiu Celibidache had already met impressive musical achievements which had made him one of the most famous Romanian personalities of all time. Not only that but from 1979 until his death he was the music director of the Munich philharmonic.

Such a career deserves to be praised in art. This is the context of the decision for a biographical film to be created. John Malkovich, the famous actor, was honored to be offered the main role and the shooting is about to start this year or at the beginning of the next year.

The name “The Yellow Tie” symbolizes the feeling of love for the country, the sensation of yearning for coming back to the natal places.

The yellow tie was a gift from his father after an exceptional achievement in school. When Sergiu Celibidache announced his father he wanted to follow a musical career and to leave to Bucharest, his father told him that yellow tie was to remain there. The yellow tie represents the feeling of missing your country, your youth, your childhood and the fact that the tie remained there as a symbol, a sort of connection with his past and his country.

Serge Celibidache, the son of Sergiu Celibidache, on the name of the movie “The Yellow Tie”

The film is to be shot exclusively in Romania, following the script written by the son of the great artist, Serge Celibidache. If necessary to shoot in a particular concert hall from abroad, the team will do that for a couple of days, though.

The film is to be ready by the end of next year or at the beginning of 2023. Most probably it will be in cinemas in late 2023 or at the beginning of 2024.

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