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January 19, 2025
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Romanian News Social

Romania Reopens Schools on February 8

Romania reopens schools on February 8 in an attempt to offer the pupils and the teachers a proper environment for their lessons. This is another relaxation measure taken by the Romanian Government after the restaurants reopened in interior wherever the infection rate is lower than 3 per thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days.

The announcement was made by the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday, but it was definitely on short notice: not all the schools will be ready to open in due time, at least not to open with respecting the procedures. The kids and the teachers are supposed to wear masks all the time and to apply the social distancing rules.

There will be three different scenarios for school attending, according to the rate of infections per thousand inhabitants, but in each scenario, except for the red one, the kids from primary schools and those who enter an exam this year will be allowed to attend the physical classes.

The Romanian Government hasn’t issued yet the rules to apply when a kid or many got infected in a class, but these situations are certainly to be ruled in due time until the school reopening day.

The kids will certainly be thrilled to attend the physical classes after 3 months when they attended them online. On the other hand, there are parents who ask for their children to continue the online classes, and this is a hybrid scenario to be considered by the school directors.

In Romania the number of the COVID-19 cases dropped drastically in the last month, as opposed to what’s happening in the Western Europe. This is why the Romanian authorities decided to relax once more the restrictions.

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