20.2 C
September 29, 2024
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Russia Bans Three Romanian TV Stations

Three Romanian TV stations are banned in Russia. The decision comes as Russia retaliates to the recent decision taken by the European Commission to ban several Russian media from its territory.

On Tuesday, June 25, Moscow announced that 81 European mass-media entities are banned from broadcasting in Russia. Among these, B1TV, ProtTV and Digi24 are all Romanian TV stations with a visible pro-European editorial policy. Russia has not yet communicated why these 81 mass-media entities were picked.

Other famous European mass-media entities banned in Russia are France Press, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Radio France and RAI.

Russia’s decision came on the day Russian mass media entities were banned in the European Union. Among these, RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossískaya Gazeta. EU accuses Moscow of using its state-controlled propaganda to influence the opinion of European citizens in the context of the Ukraine-Russia war.

The use of propaganda is one of the tactics in conflicts. Banning the opponents’ mass media platforms and TV stations ensures your own people hear one voice: yours. This is why states often ban mass media during conflicts to control the narrative and manipulate public perception, leveraging propaganda as a tool to maintain power and suppress dissent.

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