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September 8, 2024
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Politics Romanian News

Romanian Parliamentary Elections 2020: No Party Can Form Government Alone, Nationalists Enter Parliament

Romanian Parliamentary elections first exit polls show that no party can form the Government alone and each one of the first two main parties, PSD – Social Democrats and PNL – Liberals, need other parties to support them in Parliament.

The Parliamentary exit-polls show the following results:

  • PSD – 30.5%
  • PNL – 29%
  • USR-PLUS – 16%
  • UDMR – 5.5%
  • AUR – 5%

The results show that PSD – Social Democrats, the main Opposition party, was the first choice for Romanians voting within the borders, as the votes abroad were not yet estimated. Sociologists estimate that the votes abroad are not favorable for the social-democrats and therefore the percentages will diminish once those votes are counted.

Romanian Parliamentary elections 2020 offered a big surprise: AUR – Alliance for the Unity of the Romanians, a unionist party supporting the union between Romania and Republic of Moldova and which has a strong nationalist component in its political doctrine, is estimated to enter the Parliament.

The votes are to be counted in the following days.

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