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March 29, 2025
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Romanian News Social

Life Expectancy Romania 2024: 76.6 Years

The life expectancy at birth in Romania is 76.6 years, according to the latest statistics published by Eurostat. Despite a 1-year increase compared to previous measurements, which is the best evolution in Europe, it remains one of the lowest in the EU.

The average life expectancy at birth in the European Union is 81.5 years.

Compared with the pre-pandemic level in 2019, 18 EU countries experienced an increase in life expectancy in 2023, while two countries remained stable, and 6 six a decrease. The most significant increase has been estimated in Romania (+1.0 years), followed by Lithuania (+0.8 years), Bulgaria, Czechia, Luxembourg and Malta (all with a rise of +0.7 years). 

Conversely, Austria and Finland recorded the most significant decreases (-0.4 years each), followed by Estonia and the Netherlands (-0.2 years).

Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia remain the countries with the lowest life expectancy in the EU, while in Spain and Italy, the average age at which people die is around 84. Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, has the highest life expectancy in Europe at 84.2 years.

Let’s consider the retirement age for Romanian men, which is 65. This means that, for the average Romanian, life means working to exhaustion with only eleven years remaining to “enjoy” life. As a comparison, a Swiss male has almost 20 years to live from a pension, as Romania and Switzerland have the same retirement age limit for men.

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