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February 23, 2025
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International News International Politics Opinion

European Commission Backs Off on Intention to Ban ‘Christmas’

For those who don’t know it yet, the European Commission acts as a Government for the European Union. And, exactly like the governments, it behaves silly from time to time. Without any particular reason, but all those public servants, an army, paid with large salaries, are supposed to work for the benefit of all the citizens of the Union. Yes, sure thing!

The personnel of the EC is an army of 32,000 public servants, paid with salaries between 5,000 – 15,000 EUR a month. Those huge salaries have to be justified somehow, and this is why, at least from time to time, a part of those 32,000 come up with so-called ‘ideas.’ Among these ideas, a very recent one beats any fantasy: they want to ban ‘Christmas’ from the vocabulary. Exactly like they did with ‘mother’ and ‘father.’

Are they stupid? No, they say they have a plan, and it is about inclusion. Including what, European Commission?

European Union wants to ban the word ‘Christmas’. Exactly like the communists did in the past

The reason for such an incredible idea is that the word ‘Christmas’ might offend non-Christian ‘citizens, especially the Muslims, who practically invaded the European cities in millions in the last years.

So, to recap on that: the European Commission wants to ban “Christmas’ just because some ‘guests’ arrived in the Western member countries, and some might be offended by ‘Christmas.’

This is exactly what the communists did in the past. In communist countries, after 1947, the people would celebrate the ‘Winter holiday,’ not Christmas. The communists wanted, by using this method, to erase any faith from the public consciousness. They failed, as people still referred to Christmas as ‘Christmas.’ After a while, communism was banned from those countries that suffered from this ideology.

Should Europeans be offended by words like ‘Ramadan’ or ‘Eid-al Fitr’?

With all the Muslims coming to Europe recently, should Europeans be offended by celebrations like Ramadan or Eid-al Fitr? Will the same European Commission ban these words as well?

Not at all! The guests should feel like they’re at home, while only the native Europeans should censor themselves from pronouncing the words describing their faith! This is the perspective the European Union offers.

The European space will always be a space of inclusion, but this doesn’t mean that censorship should replace the understanding between people. And one cannot impose by force mutual respect between different people and religions. Muslims, Christians, and all the other believers are welcome to the European Union, and all the people, disregard their beliefs should show understanding for others. My holiday is my holiday; your holiday is your holiday. This is the way.

Apparently, the European Commission currently backs off on its stupid intention, but who knows what could happen in the future.

One day, the European Commission will want to ban Christianity altogether. Mark these words and remind them when it happens.

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