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April 1, 2025
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International News

European Capital of Culture 2020: Galway, Ireland and Rijeka, Croatia

Galway and Rijeka, two coastal cities, one in Ireland, the other one in Croatia, are European Capital of Culture 2020.

European Capital of Culture started in 1985 as an initiative which highlights the diversity and the richness of culture in Europe. The designated “Capitals of Culture” take advantage of the attention this title offers throughout the year, by attracting tourists and by organizing events in the city for celebrating the award and for promoting the local culture.

Galway prepared Galway 2020 programme around the four Celtic festivals of Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lughnasa and Samhain. This year’s European Capital of Culture is renowned for its tolerance to immigration, while one in four inhabitants are not Irish, but also for its rich tradition in literature, arts and music.

On the other hand, Rijeka is a Croatian city renowned for its abundance of festivals and for its bohemian life. Migration is also a central theme in their Rijeka 2020 programme, but also work and water.

Both cities promise many events for the tourists who want to discover more of the European cultural diversity.

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