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April 1, 2025
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Romanian News Social

Educated Romania: Parents Depicted as Oppressors in Fifth Grade Manuals

“Educated Romania” is full of surprises, many of which derived from the so-called woke propaganda. The 5th-grade school curriculum includes a subject entitled “Social Education”, containing downright revolting lessons in which parents are presented as oppressors and running away from home is presented as a solution.

The local news platform stiripesurse.ro presented the social education manual for the 5th grade from Litera Publishing House, showing that the lessons contain woke propaganda.

The children are offered two scenarios for educational plays. In the first scenario, a girl named Maria plays the role of “oppressed” because her father, “oppressor,” does not agree to go to a high school in the city. The outcome is that Maria and her already-married sister plan to run away from home together.

In the second scenario, a boy named Andrei is “oppressed” because his “oppressive” mother does not agree with him becoming a guitarist, but wants to study to become a doctor. Finally, Andrei’s father, previously divorced from the child’s mother, invites him to move in with him, confessing that he also left home because of his wife and mother-in-law.

The publishing house defended the woke scenarios presented in the manual. They claimed the lesson is presented using the Forum Theater technique, developed by Augusto Boal—a participatory method that encourages students to explore social situations and look for creative solutions. Through scenarios, students are invited to identify problems, express their opinions, and propose alternatives.

Yet, for the 5th-grade kids to be taught these sorts of weird scenarios and learn about their parents being oppressors because they disagree with their children’s opinions – this is something that the Romanian parents are now aware of.

In the so-called ‘Educated Romania’, the pharaonic project presented by Romania’s President as his own, the woke movement is increasingly present. Is this what Romanian parents would like their kids to learn in schools? We strongly doubt it, as we doubt the kids needed ‘detention rooms‘ in schools.

However, this policy doesn’t take into account parents’ opinions. These things have been done before—they won’t be the first or the last. Parents being depicted as oppressors is just one of the new teachings kids will have to learn in Romanian schools, even starting in the 5th grade.

Romania has an education system that is chronically failing – this is why only 77% of the kids registered in the first grade get to register for the Baccalaureate in a country where education, in general, is in visible decline.

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