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September 29, 2024
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Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp: June 14-16, Romania

For the second consecutive year, the Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp, an event connecting researchers with entrepreneurs and students, returns to Măgurele, the home of the most advanced research facility in the world in the field of photonuclear physics: ELI-NP. More than 100 researchers, entrepreneurs and students are expected to participate in the second edition of the Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp. This event will occur in Măgurele (Ilfov County) between June 14 and 16 at the IFIN Festival Hall and Oteteleșanu Manor.

The Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp aims to facilitate collaboration between researchers from National Research and Development Institutes, entrepreneurs, and students passionate about entrepreneurship. Participants will be divided into mixed teams, working together to initiate innovative projects or advance the development of existing research projects.

During the three days, researchers from the National Research and Development Institutes will collaborate with entrepreneurs in the technological field, alongside students, to develop new projects, technologies and businesses. The projects will be presented to a jury on the event’s last day, and the most promising will be awarded.

Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp will also bring a range of relevant topics to participants over the three days of activities delivered by relevant industry people. Among the discussion topics are sustainable development, project financing, and the creation of minimum viable products or technology transfer.

The event takes place under the patronage of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, with the support of administrative-territorial units, such as the Ilfov County Council and the Măgurele City Hall. Those present will have the opportunity to join discussion panels, which will ensure their interaction with representatives from the academic environment, such as the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, the University of Bucharest and the Academy of Economic Studies and the National Research and Development Institutes from the physics platform in the city of Măgurele. In addition, workshops and mentoring sessions will be organized, where participants can interact with representatives from leading companies such as Google, Bitdefender and UiPath.

We were delighted with the enthusiasm with which the first edition of this event was received. We expected the feedback to be positive but must admit our expectations were exceeded. And we say it with joy because this is also the hallmark of MSP’s DNA – facilitating collaboration between business and research. It’s fascinating to participate in a process like the one proposed by the boot camp: from planting the seed of the idea, which is always shrouded in mystery, to reaping the fruits, i.e. presenting the final pitch. I hope this year’s participants will have an experience they will remember for a long time. The Măgurele Science Park Association supports the connection of researchers with representatives of the business environment and students to increase economic competitiveness by more effectively capitalizing on the results of research and innovation activities.

Mădălin Ioniță, Executive Director, Măgurele Science Park Association.

About Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp

Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp 2024 facilitates connecting researchers from National Research and Development Institutes with startup founders and students passionate about technology entrepreneurship.

Laser Valley Innovation Bootcamp will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, being a partnership between the Măgurele Science Park Association (MSP) and the Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR), the initiative being developed with the support of Launch Romania.

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